Kate earned her BA in dance from Point Park University and has 20+ years of dance teaching experience. She is living her dream of owning a dance studio in her hometown of Waukesha. She loves sharing her love for dance with dancers of all ages.

Good Things Take Time

Good Things Take Time

This fall we will be starting our 15th dance season! We love to celebrate milestones like this and also love a good year long theme to keep us all engaged, motivated and excited during both the highs and the lows. This year’s theme is GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME. You will see a giant 3 foot…

Living Your Best Life

Living Your Best Life

Another curtain call after a year of lessons learned, challenges overcome and new memories made. This past weekend we celebrated our 14th annual spring recital. The theme for our recital shows and our entire ‘21/’22 season was “LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.” After spending a few years dealing with the challenges a global pandemic forced upon…

Learning MORE Than Just Great Dancing

This week we wrap up a favorite time of year at Liberty Dance Center…Student Choreography! Student what? Per Merriam-Webster, the definition of choreography is: the art of symbolically representing dancing a: the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet b: a composition created by this art In layman’s terms…making up a dance! Many of…